Image Consulting

We meet a lot of people in our day-to- day life. Consciously or sub-consciously, each one of us forms an opinion about the people we come in contact with.

Through the art of Image Consulting, we give our clients the liberty to understand and explore their personal style and help them leave a lasting first impression by transforming their personality through Body Language, Communication Skills, Dressing Appropriately for Every Occasion, Smart Shopping, Wardrobe Management, Personal Grooming, and Etiquette.

This process of transformation helps our clients to become comfortable in their own skin, while presenting themselves as confident individuals.


Etiquette, in simple terms, can be labeled as ‘Good Manners’. Apart from dressing well and looking presentable, one must also learn the art of refinement.

The way we talk, eat, sit, walk, and behave in society while interacting with people, all define who we are as individuals. Good manners play a crucial role in personality development.

Through etiquette, we teach our clients to present themselves as tasteful and polished individuals in a social as well as a corporate setting.

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